About Us
We provide compliance services to Indian and foreign manufacturers as BIS CRS Registration, BIS ISI Certification-FMCS, BEE Star Labelling programme, EPR Authorization Under E-waste management, Plastic Waste management, Battery Waste Management, WPC ETA Approval (Self Declaration and RLO based), TEC MTCTE Certification, TAC IMEI Approval, ICAT ARAI Approval (Certification, Design and Development, Testing and Validation) For Vehicle, Engine, Components and Retro fitment etc , NABL Reports for Testing and Calibration Projects , which are Compulsory the notified products before As per the Orders, no person shall manufacture or store for sale, import, sell or distribute goods which do not conform to the Indian standard specified in the Gazette.
Our Services
Client Satisfactory
BEE Registration
BIS ISI Mark Scheme
ERP Authorization
ICTA Certification
NABL Testing &
Calibration Projects
TEC Certification
World Manufacture Identifier
WPC Updated
So you can focus on Business Product work
We’ve been the partner to thousands of people like you with whom we’ve partnered to help build their secure financial futures – so you can focus on what’s important.
Our Client Stories
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How-to : Nulla eget enim id metus
Aenean ut est quis arcu lacinia suscipit. Aliquam elementum blandit posuere. Donec mollis nec nisl quis vehicula. Curabitur sit amet augue nec neque euismod ultrices.
Tutorial : Duis purus eros
Curabitur nunc erat, luctus ac ex et, molestie hendrerit neque. Curabitur dapibus felis ut pharetra fringilla. Fusce egestas interdum pulvinar. Fusce ac erat dolor.