Donec fringilla a augue in porttitor. Nulla facilisi. Etiam eget luctus nulla, vitae ultrices metus. Curabitur sit amet eros pharetra elit.
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ICAT Certificaion / Homologation
ICAT is India’s premier Homologation and Testing centre developed under NATRiP by Govt. of India. It is one of the agencies notified under CMV rule no 126 for issuance of “TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE (TAC)” and “CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION (COP) Certificate”.
- Vehicle : ICAT is catering to the certification requirements of all categories of vehicles as per CMVR, 1989 including 2W, 3W, 4W, EV’s, Quadricycle, E-cart, Tractor, E-Rickshaw, Bus, Truck, Trailer, CEV, Power Tiller, Combine Harvestor & special purpose vehicles. We have also tied up with various certification agencies across the globe for providing Export Homologation services to OEM’s.
- Engine : As per CMVR, engines of vehicles having GVW greater than 3.5 ton have to be tested on engine dynamometer for power & emissions. Also the engines of off-road applications like agricultural tractor, CEV, Genset engines, small power tiller engines have to be tested & approved on engine dynamometer. For vehicles in the range of 2.5 ton to 3.5 ton may also opt to do the emission test of the diesel engines on engine dynamometer.
- Components : The Central Government, from time to time, by notification in the official gazette notifies the safety standards of any part, component or assembly to be used in manufacture of a vehicle. Safety components such as horns, mirrors, lighting / signaling devices, seats, etc. are notified under specific rules of CMVR. Such a rule specifies Test Standard (AIS / BIS, etc), to which the said component / system should conform. Component manufacturer must approach the test agency for necessary testing and approval.
- Retro fitment : Government of India has permitted use of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) , Hybrid technology and LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) as automotive fuels. Accordingly, provisions related to emission, safety, installation and other requirements for permitting such conversion are also notified under Rule 115 of CMVR.