Donec fringilla a augue in porttitor. Nulla facilisi. Etiam eget luctus nulla, vitae ultrices metus. Curabitur sit amet eros pharetra elit.
Business Consulting
In dapibus quis orci in eleifend. Suspendisse porttitor nunc justo, sed accumsan risus facilisis sit amet. Suspendisse ut eros nisi. Ut accumsan nec tellus vel pulvinar. Sed vel facilisis odio. Vivamus ac posuere arcu.
The Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing of the Ministry of Communications is a part of Department of Telecommunication (DoT) which is responsible for Frequency Spectrum Management in INDIA, including licensing and serves to the needs of all wireless users in the country. It exercises the statutory functions of the Central Government and issues licenses to establish, maintain and operate wireless stations.
All the wireless products which work in license free band requires certification from Wireless planning and Coordination wing(WPC) in order to deploy the product in India. They shall be constructed in such a manner that the bandwidth, emission, power and other parameter shall confirm to the limits specified through various notifications in this regard.
ETA through ‘ self-declaration’
‘ETA through self-declaration is applicable to the products which comply both the following conditions, i.e., )
i (exempted from import licensing requirement as per Import Policy of DGFT and; )
ii (working in de-licensed frequency band)s (as per applicable Gazette Notifications from Ministry of Communications. For example: – Mobile handsets, Smartphones, Electronic notepads, Laptops, Smart watches, SRDs including accessories, microphones, headphones, speakers, earphones, printers, scanners, mouse, keyboard, TV, camera, etc.
WPC comes under the Department of Telecommunication, Govt. of India and has five Regional Licensing Offices at Delhi (RLO-North), Mumbai (RLO-West), Chennai (RLO-South), Kolkata (RLO-East) & Guwahati (RLO-North East) with headquarters at New Delhi.